Have you ever felt stuck in the same repeating thought patterns, feelings & habits?
I know I have!
No matter what you try you keep going back to the same cycle over & over again?
Would you believe me if I told you on the planet right now suffering is one of the most common languages among humans?
The reason for this is because in a battle between emotion & logic, emotion always wins.
Our feelings & emotions are stronger, more powerful & they defeat logic every single time.
If you’re exhausted from trying different modalities & haven’t found your solution yet, let's chat.
I'm Krista and I am a Rapid Transformational Therapist and Human Connection Specialist and am here to guide, empower and walk with you on your journey to your greatness.
At Healing by Design my lifework is to help you to be free from angst and leave your repeating thought patterns and suffering in the past.
I can help you step outside the familiar and make it unfamiliar.
30 min
2 hr
399 Canadian dollars2 hr
999 Canadian dollars